• Résultats pour
    • Parmelia
  • (39)
Lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Robert Thompson / Lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Robert Thompson / Lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Lichen (Ochrolechia parella) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Robert Thompson / Lichen (Ochrolechia parella) Ballywhoriskey Point, County Donegal, Northern Ireland. October.
Crawfish lichen (Ochrolechia parella) on a gravestone, Unst, Shetland Islands, Scotland, August.
Guy Edwardes / Crawfish lichen (Ochrolechia parella) on a gravestone, Unst, Shetland Islands, Scotland, August.
Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Adrian Davies / Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Adrian Davies / Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Adrian Davies / Lichen (Usnea florida) Snowdonia, North Wales, October.
Lichen on old tombstone (Parmelia caperata) in village churchyard. Slapton, Devon, UK, August 2016.
Adrian Davies / Lichen on old tombstone (Parmelia caperata) in village churchyard. Slapton, Devon, UK, August 2016.
Foliose lichen (Lobaria scrobiculata) on birch bark. Sensitive to pollution. Drumnadrochit, Inverness, Scotland
Chris Mattison / Foliose lichen (Lobaria scrobiculata) on birch bark. Sensitive to pollution. Drumnadrochit, Inverness, Scotland
Coastal lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Isle of Mull, Scotland, UK, June.
Chris Mattison / Coastal lichen (Xanthoria aureola) Isle of Mull, Scotland, UK, June.
Lichens (Usnea filipendula, Evernia prunasti, Bryoria fuscescens, Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia sulcata) on English oak tree (Quercus robur) near Norra Kvill National Park, Smaland, Sweden, August.
Solvin Zankl / Lichens (Usnea filipendula, Evernia prunasti, Bryoria fuscescens, Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia sulcata) on English oak tree (Quercus robur) near Norra Kvill National Park, Smaland, Sweden, August.
Lichen (Evernia prunasti) on English oak tree (Quercus robur) near Norra Kvill National Park in Rumskulla socken, Smaland, Sweden, August.
Solvin Zankl / Lichen (Evernia prunasti) on English oak tree (Quercus robur) near Norra Kvill National Park in Rumskulla socken, Smaland, Sweden, August.