• Results for
    • parmelia
  • (39)
Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Nigel Cattlin / Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Nigel Cattlin / Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Nigel Cattlin / Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Nigel Cattlin / Potatoes (Solanum tubersosum) exposed to light and turning green with chlorophyll, indicating possible toxic glycoalkaloid solanine production, Berkshire, UK, August.
Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) growing on a gritstone boulder in shady woodland, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK. October.
Alex Hyde / Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) growing on a gritstone boulder in shady woodland, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK. October.
Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) interspersed with  orange patches of a Green alga (Trentepohlia sp.) that gets its unusual colouration from the haematochrome (-carotene) it contains. Found growing on a gr...
Alex Hyde / Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) interspersed with orange patches of a Green alga (Trentepohlia sp.) that gets its unusual colouration from the haematochrome (-carotene) it contains. Found growing on a gr...
Oakmoss / stag lichen (Evernia prunastri) close up, La Brenne, France, June.
Philippe Clement / Oakmoss / stag lichen (Evernia prunastri) close up, La Brenne, France, June.
Crawfish lichen (Ochrolechia parella) growing on a headstone.  Gower, South Wales, UK.
Chris Mattison / Crawfish lichen (Ochrolechia parella) growing on a headstone. Gower, South Wales, UK.
Crab eye lichen (Ochrolechia parella) on headstone, Gower, South Wales, UK, June.
Chris Mattison / Crab eye lichen (Ochrolechia parella) on headstone, Gower, South Wales, UK, June.
Two lichens on a headstone, Grab eye lichens (Ocrolechia parella) - pale grey, and Rusty shielded lichen (Caloplaca crenularia) Gower, South Wales, UK, June.
Chris Mattison / Two lichens on a headstone, Grab eye lichens (Ocrolechia parella) - pale grey, and Rusty shielded lichen (Caloplaca crenularia) Gower, South Wales, UK, June.
Gold dust lichen (Chrysothrix candelaris) growing around and over Shield lichen (Parmelia sulcata) on sycamore bark, Padley Woods, Derbyshire, England, UK, December.
Chris Mattison / Gold dust lichen (Chrysothrix candelaris) growing around and over Shield lichen (Parmelia sulcata) on sycamore bark, Padley Woods, Derbyshire, England, UK, December.
Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) found growing on gritstone boulder, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK. May.
Alex Hyde / Lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) found growing on gritstone boulder, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK. May.
Lichens including Xanthoria parietina and Ochrolechia parella on tombstones in village churchyard. Slapton, Devon, England, UK, July 2013.
Adrian Davies / Lichens including Xanthoria parietina and Ochrolechia parella on tombstones in village churchyard. Slapton, Devon, England, UK, July 2013.
Common orange lichen (Xanthoria parietina) on Hawthorn twig (Crataegus monogyna) together with a Shield lichen (Parmelia sulcata) England, UK. April.
Chris Mattison / Common orange lichen (Xanthoria parietina) on Hawthorn twig (Crataegus monogyna) together with a Shield lichen (Parmelia sulcata) England, UK. April.
Lichen (Parmelia caperata) on gravestone, Devon, England, July
Adrian Davies / Lichen (Parmelia caperata) on gravestone, Devon, England, July
Lichen (Parmelia caperata) close up of surface, on gravestone, Devon, England, July
Adrian Davies / Lichen (Parmelia caperata) close up of surface, on gravestone, Devon, England, July