• Résultats pour
    • behaviourbirds
  • (22)
Female Eastern bluebird {Sialia sialis} perching on post with prey, Montana, USA.
Tom Vezo / Female Eastern bluebird {Sialia sialis} perching on post with prey, Montana, USA.
Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) resting on prey item, Poland
Tom Vezo / Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) resting on prey item, Poland
Black crowned night heron {Nycticorax nycticorax} Falkland Islands
Peter Scoones / Black crowned night heron {Nycticorax nycticorax} Falkland Islands
Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) in water, Belgium
Bernard Castelein / Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) in water, Belgium
Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) with Tiger Whiptail lizard (Aspidoscelis tigris) prey,  Joshua's tree national monument, California, June
Daniel Heuclin / Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) with Tiger Whiptail lizard (Aspidoscelis tigris) prey, Joshua's tree national monument, California, June
Prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) with prey, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA, January
Mike Read / Prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) with prey, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA, January
Prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) and two Common american crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) with waterfowl prey, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA, January
Mike Read / Prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) and two Common american crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) with waterfowl prey, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA, January
White winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis) with insect prey, Picos de Europa, Spain, July
Jose Luis GOMEZ de FRANCISCO / White winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis) with insect prey, Picos de Europa, Spain, July
Yellow legged gull (Larus cachinnans michaellis)  feeding on a starfish, Galicia, Spain, December
Jose Luis GOMEZ de FRANCISCO / Yellow legged gull (Larus cachinnans michaellis) feeding on a starfish, Galicia, Spain, December
Yellow legged gull (Larus cachinnans michaellis)  juvenile feeding on a starfish, Galicia, Spain, December
Jose Luis GOMEZ de FRANCISCO / Yellow legged gull (Larus cachinnans michaellis) juvenile feeding on a starfish, Galicia, Spain, December