• Résultats pour
    • north americadicotyledons
  • (12)
Stromatolites, accretions of sedimentary grains formed by microbial mats, Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, Western Australia, Australia.
Jiri Lochman / Stromatolites, accretions of sedimentary grains formed by microbial mats, Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, Western Australia, Australia.
Wyoming Paintbrush (Castilleja linariifolia) in flower, Wyoming, USA, North America
Shattil & Rozinski / Wyoming Paintbrush (Castilleja linariifolia) in flower, Wyoming, USA, North America
Redbud (Cercis canadensis) blossom in woodland, New York, USA
John Cancalosi / Redbud (Cercis canadensis) blossom in woodland, New York, USA
Redbud (Cercis canadensis) blossom in woodland, New York, USA
John Cancalosi / Redbud (Cercis canadensis) blossom in woodland, New York, USA
White moss heather / western moss heather / white mountain heather (Cassiope mertensiana) in Toulumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California.
Tim Laman / White moss heather / western moss heather / white mountain heather (Cassiope mertensiana) in Toulumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California.
Chisos prickly poppy {Argemone chisosensis} Big Bend NP, Texas, USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Chisos prickly poppy {Argemone chisosensis} Big Bend NP, Texas, USA
Narrowleaf globe mallow {Sphaeralcea angustifolia} Texas, USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Narrowleaf globe mallow {Sphaeralcea angustifolia} Texas, USA
Rock nettle {Eucnide bartonioides} flowers, Big Bend NP, Texas, USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Rock nettle {Eucnide bartonioides} flowers, Big Bend NP, Texas, USA
Shooting star flowers {Primula pauciflora} USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Shooting star flowers {Primula pauciflora} USA
Desert five spot {Malvastrum / Eremalche rotundifolia} flower, USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Desert five spot {Malvastrum / Eremalche rotundifolia} flower, USA
Nootka rose {Rosa nutkana} flower, USA
Shattil & Rozinski / Nootka rose {Rosa nutkana} flower, USA
Mangrove tree and air roots split level (Rhizophoraceae) Florida Everglades, USA
Juergen Freund / Mangrove tree and air roots split level (Rhizophoraceae) Florida Everglades, USA
Hedgehog cactus in flower {Echinocereus engelmanni} Arizona, USA
Tom Vezo / Hedgehog cactus in flower {Echinocereus engelmanni} Arizona, USA