• Résultats pour
    • Click
  • (69)
Long exposure of light trail from bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) walking on ground at night. Danum Valley Sabah, Borneo.
Alex Hyde / Long exposure of light trail from bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) walking on ground at night. Danum Valley Sabah, Borneo.
Click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) showing orange bioluminescence, Costa Rica
Kim Taylor / Click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) showing orange bioluminescence, Costa Rica
Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} Trinidad, West Indies. Note - photographed by its own bioluminescence
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} Trinidad, West Indies. Note - photographed by its own bioluminescence
Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence. Composite image showing beetle before take-off and in flight with green thoracic and orange abdominal lights glowing strongly. T...
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence. Composite image showing beetle before take-off and in flight with green thoracic and orange abdominal lights glowing strongly. T...
Trilobite beetle, (Duliticola hoiseni) Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo.
Paul Williams / Trilobite beetle, (Duliticola hoiseni) Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo.
Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Dirk Funhoff / Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Dirk Funhoff / Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp), Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama
Clay Bolt / Bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp), Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama
Blind click beetle (Alaus myops), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA Controlled conditions. May
John Abbott / Blind click beetle (Alaus myops), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA Controlled conditions. May
Chequered click beetle (Prosternon tessellatum) feeding on pollen of a Cabbage tree / Torquay palm (Cordyline australis) in a garden planted with flowers to attract pollinators,  Dungeness, Kent, UK.
Nick Upton / Chequered click beetle (Prosternon tessellatum) feeding on pollen of a Cabbage tree / Torquay palm (Cordyline australis) in a garden planted with flowers to attract pollinators, Dungeness, Kent, UK.
Click beetle (Elateridae) in cloud forest, Mashpi, Ecuador. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Javier Aznar / Click beetle (Elateridae) in cloud forest, Mashpi, Ecuador. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Malaysian Click Beetle (Oxynopterus auduoin) showing antennae, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
Chien Lee / Malaysian Click Beetle (Oxynopterus auduoin) showing antennae, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia