• Résultats pour
    • click
  • (69)
Long exposure of light trail from bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) walking on ground at night. Danum Valley Sabah, Borneo.
Alex Hyde / Long exposure of light trail from bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) walking on ground at night. Danum Valley Sabah, Borneo.
Click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) showing orange bioluminescence, Costa Rica
Kim Taylor / Click beetle (Pyrophorus sp) showing orange bioluminescence, Costa Rica
Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} Trinidad, West Indies. Note - photographed by its own bioluminescence
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} Trinidad, West Indies. Note - photographed by its own bioluminescence
Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence. Composite image showing beetle before take-off and in flight with green thoracic and orange abdominal lights glowing strongly. T...
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence. Composite image showing beetle before take-off and in flight with green thoracic and orange abdominal lights glowing strongly. T...
Trilobite beetle, (Duliticola hoiseni) Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo.
Paul Williams / Trilobite beetle, (Duliticola hoiseni) Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo.
Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Dirk Funhoff / Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Dirk Funhoff / Click beetle (Ampedus sanguineus), Staudernheim, Pfalz, Germany. June. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp), Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama
Clay Bolt / Bioluminescent click beetle (Pyrophorus sp), Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama
Blind click beetle (Alaus myops), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA Controlled conditions. May
John Abbott / Blind click beetle (Alaus myops), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA Controlled conditions. May
Chequered click beetle (Prosternon tessellatum) feeding on pollen of a Cabbage tree / Torquay palm (Cordyline australis) in a garden planted with flowers to attract pollinators,  Dungeness, Kent, UK.
Nick Upton / Chequered click beetle (Prosternon tessellatum) feeding on pollen of a Cabbage tree / Torquay palm (Cordyline australis) in a garden planted with flowers to attract pollinators, Dungeness, Kent, UK.
Click beetle (Elateridae) in cloud forest, Mashpi, Ecuador. Meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Javier Aznar / Click beetle (Elateridae) in cloud forest, Mashpi, Ecuador. Meetyourneighbours.net project
Malaysian Click Beetle (Oxynopterus auduoin) showing antennae, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
Chien Lee / Malaysian Click Beetle (Oxynopterus auduoin) showing antennae, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia
Eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) adult on rotten log, Pennsylvania, USA, August.
Doug Wechsler / Eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) adult on rotten log, Pennsylvania, USA, August.
Eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) metamorphosing from pupa to adult, Pensylvania, USA, August.
Doug Wechsler / Eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) metamorphosing from pupa to adult, Pensylvania, USA, August.
Coquina, a sedimentary rock that is composed either wholly or almost entirely of the transported, abraded, and mechanically-sorted fragments of the shells of molluscs, trilobites, brachiopods, or othe...
John Cancalosi / Coquina, a sedimentary rock that is composed either wholly or almost entirely of the transported, abraded, and mechanically-sorted fragments of the shells of molluscs, trilobites, brachiopods, or othe...
Garden click beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) resting on a grass stem, Barnt Green, Worcestershire, England, UK, May.
MYN / Tim Hunt / Garden click beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) resting on a grass stem, Barnt Green, Worcestershire, England, UK, May.
Stick insect and Fire beetle (Pyrophorus) in rainforest, Panguana Reserve, Huanuca province, Amazon basin, Peru.
Konrad Wothe / Stick insect and Fire beetle (Pyrophorus) in rainforest, Panguana Reserve, Huanuca province, Amazon basin, Peru.
Headlight Elater (Pyrophorus noctilucus), Bilsa nature reserve, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador,March. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Gil Wizen / Headlight Elater (Pyrophorus noctilucus), Bilsa nature reserve, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador,March. meetyourneighbours.net project
Headlight Elater (Pyrophorus noctilucus) larva,  Bilsa nature reserve, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador, March. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Gil Wizen / Headlight Elater (Pyrophorus noctilucus) larva, Bilsa nature reserve, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador, March. meetyourneighbours.net project
Click beetle (Semiotus sp), Jatun Sacha Biological Station, Napo province, Amazon basin, Ecuador, March. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Gil Wizen / Click beetle (Semiotus sp), Jatun Sacha Biological Station, Napo province, Amazon basin, Ecuador, March. meetyourneighbours.net project
Fossil trilobite (Kettneraspis sp.) from Devonian period, Morocco.
John Cancalosi / Fossil trilobite (Kettneraspis sp.) from Devonian period, Morocco.
Rusty click beetle (Elater ferrugineus) extremely scarce species. Surrey, England, UK. July
Andy Sands / Rusty click beetle (Elater ferrugineus) extremely scarce species. Surrey, England, UK. July
Rusty click beetle (Elater ferrugineus) extremely scarce. Male about to take flight searching for a female.  Surrey, England, UK. July
Andy Sands / Rusty click beetle (Elater ferrugineus) extremely scarce. Male about to take flight searching for a female. Surrey, England, UK. July
Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus) Watson Rare Plant Preserve, Tyler County, Texas, USA.
John Abbott / Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus) Watson Rare Plant Preserve, Tyler County, Texas, USA.
Click Beetle (Dicrepidius palmatus) Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA.
John Abbott / Click Beetle (Dicrepidius palmatus) Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA.
Click Beetle (Dicrepidius palmatus) Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA.
John Abbott / Click Beetle (Dicrepidius palmatus) Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA.
Eyed-elater / Click beetle (Alaus sp) in flight at night, Lost Pines Forest, Central Texas, USA, March.
Michael Durham / Eyed-elater / Click beetle (Alaus sp) in flight at night, Lost Pines Forest, Central Texas, USA, March.
Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) dorsal and ventral view, Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Clay Bolt / Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) dorsal and ventral view, Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
close up of eyes on carapace of Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Clay Bolt / close up of eyes on carapace of Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Clay Bolt / Eastern eyed click beetle (Alaus oculatus) Dacusville, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA, June. meetyourneighbours.net project
Jewel beetle (Anthaxia hungarica) on Hawkweed (Hieracium sp) flower, Corsica, France, May.
Nick Upton / Jewel beetle (Anthaxia hungarica) on Hawkweed (Hieracium sp) flower, Corsica, France, May.
Click Beetle (Elateridae), Gunung Penrissen, Borneo, Malaysia
Chien Lee / Click Beetle (Elateridae), Gunung Penrissen, Borneo, Malaysia
Click beetle (Denticollis sp) on grass, UK.
Stephen Dalton / Click beetle (Denticollis sp) on grass, UK.
Click beetle {Ctenicera / Corymbites pectinicornis} beetle, male, Alum-Pedja nature reserve, Tartumaa, Estonia, May  meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / Niall Benvie / Click beetle {Ctenicera / Corymbites pectinicornis} beetle, male, Alum-Pedja nature reserve, Tartumaa, Estonia, May meetyourneighbours.net project
Click beetle (Ctenicera pectinicornis) on umbelliferous meadow flower, Germany
Solvin Zankl / Click beetle (Ctenicera pectinicornis) on umbelliferous meadow flower, Germany
Click beetle (Chalcolepidius porcatus) a large species which lays eggs in dead trees, in rainforest, Trinidad
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Chalcolepidius porcatus) a large species which lays eggs in dead trees, in rainforest, Trinidad
Hand holding a clicker, ready to go 'Click'
Jane Burton / Hand holding a clicker, ready to go 'Click'
Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) female underside showing the click mechanism, rainforest, Costa Rica
PREMAPHOTOS / Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) female underside showing the click mechanism, rainforest, Costa Rica
Assassin bug (Reduviidae) nymph preys on Click beetle, Guyana
Doug Wechsler / Assassin bug (Reduviidae) nymph preys on Click beetle, Guyana
Red brown skipjack taking off (Athous haemorrhoidalis) UK
Adrian Davies / Red brown skipjack taking off (Athous haemorrhoidalis) UK
Click beetle (Elateridae) on flower, tropical cloud forest, Ecuador
Pete Oxford / Click beetle (Elateridae) on flower, tropical cloud forest, Ecuador
Wireworm, larva of Skipjack beetle (Denticollis linearis) UK
Duncan Mcewan / Wireworm, larva of Skipjack beetle (Denticollis linearis) UK
Tropical luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence, Trinidad, West Indies.
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus sp} showing bioluminescence, Trinidad, West Indies.
Tropical luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} showing luminescent spots on thorax, Trinidad, West Indies.
Kim Taylor / Tropical luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus sp.} showing luminescent spots on thorax, Trinidad, West Indies.
Wire worm, larva of Click beetle {Agriotes sp}
Kim Taylor / Wire worm, larva of Click beetle {Agriotes sp}
Giant click beetle {Alaus corpulentus} Madagascar
PREMAPHOTOS / Giant click beetle {Alaus corpulentus} Madagascar
Click mechanism of Click beetle (Chalcolepidius porcatus) Trinidad
PREMAPHOTOS / Click mechanism of Click beetle (Chalcolepidius porcatus) Trinidad
Click Beetle, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak
Mark Moffett / Click Beetle, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak
Click Beetle (Campsosternus templetoni), Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
Ch'ien Lee / Click Beetle (Campsosternus templetoni), Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
Comb Skipjack (Ctenicera pectinicornis), Upper Bavaria, Germany
Konrad Wothe / Comb Skipjack (Ctenicera pectinicornis), Upper Bavaria, Germany
Click Beetle (Semiotus ligneus), Costa Rica
Piotr Naskrecki / Click Beetle (Semiotus ligneus), Costa Rica
1840 Cardinal click beetle (Elater rufipennis now Ampedus rufipennis) collected by F.W. Hope that formed part of the Oxford Museum founding entomology collection until deaccession. Hope and Westwood a...
Paul D Stewart / 1840 Cardinal click beetle (Elater rufipennis now Ampedus rufipennis) collected by F.W. Hope that formed part of the Oxford Museum founding entomology collection until deaccession. Hope and Westwood a...
Click beetle (Denticollis linearis) UK
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Denticollis linearis) UK
Garden click beetle / Red brown skipjack (Athous haemorrhoidalis) mating pair, UK
Premaphotos / Garden click beetle / Red brown skipjack (Athous haemorrhoidalis) mating pair, UK
Click beetle (Semiotus intermedius) laying eggs into a log in rainforest, Peru
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Semiotus intermedius) laying eggs into a log in rainforest, Peru
Click beetle (Agrypnus murinus) showing the click mechanism, UK
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Agrypnus murinus) showing the click mechanism, UK
Click beetle (Chalcolepidius sp) on a fallen tree in Amazonian rainforest, Brazil
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Chalcolepidius sp) on a fallen tree in Amazonian rainforest, Brazil
Click beetle (Actenicerus / Corymbites tessellatus) UK
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Actenicerus / Corymbites tessellatus) UK
Click beetle (Agrypnus murinus) on umbelliferous flower, UK
Premaphotos / Click beetle (Agrypnus murinus) on umbelliferous flower, UK
Brilliantly luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus noctilucus} Brazil
Nature Production / Brilliantly luminous Click beetle {Pyrophorus noctilucus} Brazil
Bioluminescence from a Headlight beetle (Pyrophorus sp.) illuminating a decomposed leaf skeleton on the rainforest floor, Costa Rica.
Alex Hyde / Bioluminescence from a Headlight beetle (Pyrophorus sp.) illuminating a decomposed leaf skeleton on the rainforest floor, Costa Rica.
Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) on bark.  Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Claudio Contreras / Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) on bark. Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) taking off.  Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Claudio Contreras / Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) taking off. Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) on leaf.  Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Claudio Contreras / Click beetle (Semiotus insignis) on leaf. Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas state, Mexico.
Click Beetle (Elateridae) with large antenna, Amber Mountain National Park, Madagascar
Christian Ziegler / Click Beetle (Elateridae) with large antenna, Amber Mountain National Park, Madagascar
Feeding holes caused by Wireworms (Agriotes sp.) feeding on and in a potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop tuber.
Nigel Cattlin / Feeding holes caused by Wireworms (Agriotes sp.) feeding on and in a potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop tuber.
Damaged caused by Wireworm / Click beetle larva (Agriotes lineatus) to Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) seedling root and stem base.
Nigel Cattlin / Damaged caused by Wireworm / Click beetle larva (Agriotes lineatus) to Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) seedling root and stem base.
Click Beetle (Agrypnus murinus) preparing to take off from Dogwood leaves on a chalk grassland slope, Bath and Northeast Somerset, UK, May. This beetle can defend itself with foul smelling secretions...
Nick Upton / Click Beetle (Agrypnus murinus) preparing to take off from Dogwood leaves on a chalk grassland slope, Bath and Northeast Somerset, UK, May. This beetle can defend itself with foul smelling secretions...
Lined click beetle larva or wireworm (Agriotes lineatus) a soil pest which attacks roots of plants
Nigel Cattlin / Lined click beetle larva or wireworm (Agriotes lineatus) a soil pest which attacks roots of plants