• Results for
    • touch-me-not
  • (84)
Orange balsam (Impatiens capensis). Kennet and Avon Canal, Berkshire, England, UK. August.
Nigel Cattlin / Orange balsam (Impatiens capensis). Kennet and Avon Canal, Berkshire, England, UK. August.
Orange balsam (Impatiens capensis) flowering and seeding at edge of Kennet and Avon Canal, Berkshire, England, UK. August.
Nigel Cattlin / Orange balsam (Impatiens capensis) flowering and seeding at edge of Kennet and Avon Canal, Berkshire, England, UK. August.
Sensitivity plant (Mimosa pudica) shown before and after touching the sensitive leaves.
Nigel Cattlin / Sensitivity plant (Mimosa pudica) shown before and after touching the sensitive leaves.
Grand balsam (Impatiens grandis) with long spur. Pollinated by butterflies, native to India and Sri Lanka. Focus stacked, cultivated plant.
Heather Angel / Grand balsam (Impatiens grandis) with long spur. Pollinated by butterflies, native to India and Sri Lanka. Focus stacked, cultivated plant.
Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), dissection of flowers. Male phase above, downward projecting stamens release pollen onto backs of bumblebees and honey bees. Female phase below with downward...
Heather Angel / Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), dissection of flowers. Male phase above, downward projecting stamens release pollen onto backs of bumblebees and honey bees. Female phase below with downward...
Balsam (Impatiens rosulata) with yellow nectar guides. Endemic to Kitulo Plateau, Tanzania.
Heather Angel / Balsam (Impatiens rosulata) with yellow nectar guides. Endemic to Kitulo Plateau, Tanzania.
Balsam (Impatiens bicaudata) flowers with lines leading to nectaries. Cultivated. Native to Madagascar.
Heather Angel / Balsam (Impatiens bicaudata) flowers with lines leading to nectaries. Cultivated. Native to Madagascar.
Bumblebee (Bombus sp) nectaring on Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). Surrey, England, UK. September.
Heather Angel / Bumblebee (Bombus sp) nectaring on Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). Surrey, England, UK. September.
Congo cockatoo (Impatiens niamniamensis) flower, backlit with nectar level visible in spur. Cultivated in glasshouse. Native to Africa.
Heather Angel / Congo cockatoo (Impatiens niamniamensis) flower, backlit with nectar level visible in spur. Cultivated in glasshouse. Native to Africa.
Flowers (Impatiens stenantha) West Bengal, India.
Felis Images / Flowers (Impatiens stenantha) West Bengal, India.
Flowers (Impatiens pradhanii) flowers. West Bengal, India.
Felis Images / Flowers (Impatiens pradhanii) flowers. West Bengal, India.
Touch-me-not (Impatiens falcifer) flower, Sikkim, India.
Felis Images / Touch-me-not (Impatiens falcifer) flower, Sikkim, India.