• Results for
    • red finned emperor
  • (23)
Bigeye emperor fish (Monotaxis grandoculis) Ras Ghozlani, Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt, Red Sea.
Linda Pitkin / Bigeye emperor fish (Monotaxis grandoculis) Ras Ghozlani, Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt, Red Sea.
Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past soft corals (Dendronephthya sp]), Red Sea, Egypt. January.
Georgette Douwma / Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past soft corals (Dendronephthya sp]), Red Sea, Egypt. January.
Emperor red snaper (Lutjanus sebae) sub-adult. Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Constantinos Petrinos / Emperor red snaper (Lutjanus sebae) sub-adult. Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) close up pattern detail, Ras Umm Sid, Sinai, Egypt. Red Sea.
Alex Mustard / Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) close up pattern detail, Ras Umm Sid, Sinai, Egypt. Red Sea.
Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp) and Lyretail anthias (Pseudanthius squamipinnis).  Egypt, Red Sea.  Indo-Pacific.
Georgette Douwma / Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp) and Lyretail anthias (Pseudanthius squamipinnis). Egypt, Red Sea. Indo-Pacific.
Bluestreak cleaner wrasses (Labroides dimidiatus) cleaning Bigeye emperor (Monotaxis grandoculis) Sudan. Red Sea.
Pascal Kobeh / Bluestreak cleaner wrasses (Labroides dimidiatus) cleaning Bigeye emperor (Monotaxis grandoculis) Sudan. Red Sea.
School of Bluescale emperors (Lethrinus nebulosus) gathered for spawning. This species is usually solitary predator on the coral reef. Yolanda Reef, Ras Mohammed Marine Park, Sinai, Egypt. Red Sea.
Alex Mustard / School of Bluescale emperors (Lethrinus nebulosus) gathered for spawning. This species is usually solitary predator on the coral reef. Yolanda Reef, Ras Mohammed Marine Park, Sinai, Egypt. Red Sea.
Spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) watching a Blue spotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymna) that is burrowing in the sandy bottom for prey. Egypt, Red Sea.
Georgette Douwma / Spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) watching a Blue spotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymna) that is burrowing in the sandy bottom for prey. Egypt, Red Sea.
A school of Spangled emperors (Lethrinus nebulosus) accompanied by one Jack (Caranx sexfasciatus) over coral reef. Egypt, Red Sea.
Georgette Douwma / A school of Spangled emperors (Lethrinus nebulosus) accompanied by one Jack (Caranx sexfasciatus) over coral reef. Egypt, Red Sea.
Lyretail anthias / Goldies (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) on reef top. Egypt, Red Sea.
Georgette Douwma / Lyretail anthias / Goldies (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) on reef top. Egypt, Red Sea.
Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past soft corals (Dendronephthya sp) Egypt, Red Sea.
Georgette Douwma / Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) swimming past soft corals (Dendronephthya sp) Egypt, Red Sea.
Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) feeding on soft coral. Egypt, Red Sea.
Georgette Douwma / Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) feeding on soft coral. Egypt, Red Sea.