• Results for
    • asian ant mantisanimalia
  • (2)
Black-tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus) coiled with tongue exposed and ready to strike, rattling tail, captive, from USA
Michael D. Kern / Black-tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus) coiled with tongue exposed and ready to strike, rattling tail, captive, from USA
Bornean bark mantis (Theopompa borneana) being attacked by ants (Formicidae sp.), Crocker Range, Sabah, Borneo, July.
David Weiller / Bornean bark mantis (Theopompa borneana) being attacked by ants (Formicidae sp.), Crocker Range, Sabah, Borneo, July.
Macro shot of Asian ant mantis (Odontomantis planiceps) on a leaf cleaning its legs and eyes, Western Thailand.
Neil Challis / Macro shot of Asian ant mantis (Odontomantis planiceps) on a leaf cleaning its legs and eyes, Western Thailand.