• Résultats pour
    • Wodlands
  • (6)
Chalara Ash dieback information sign in  Ashwellthorpe Wood NWT Norfolk UK November 2012. Disease is caused by fungus (Chalara fraxinea)
Robin Chittenden / Chalara Ash dieback information sign in Ashwellthorpe Wood NWT Norfolk UK November 2012. Disease is caused by fungus (Chalara fraxinea)
Yellow Stagshorn Fungus (Calocera viscosa) growing on woodland floor, UK
Adrian Davies / Yellow Stagshorn Fungus (Calocera viscosa) growing on woodland floor, UK
Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in woodland, UK, 2006
Graham Eaton / Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in woodland, UK, 2006
Mycena toadstools {Mycena pura} Bristol, UK
Nigel Bean / Mycena toadstools {Mycena pura} Bristol, UK
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) and sandhill forest, Florida, USA
Adam White / Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) and sandhill forest, Florida, USA
Middle spotted woodpecker taking food to nest(Dendrocopos medius) Sweden
Bengt Lundberg / Middle spotted woodpecker taking food to nest(Dendrocopos medius) Sweden