• Results for
    • Paravespula Vulgaris
  • (4)
Yellowjacket (Paravespula vulgaris) wasp feeding on fruit, Germany
Konrad Wothe / Yellowjacket (Paravespula vulgaris) wasp feeding on fruit, Germany
Yellowjacket (Vespinae) flying near Ochoco Pass in central Oregon. Photographed with a high-speed camera
Michael Durham / Yellowjacket (Vespinae) flying near Ochoco Pass in central Oregon. Photographed with a high-speed camera
Yellowjacket (Vespinae) flying near Ochoco Pass in central Oregon
Michael Durham / Yellowjacket (Vespinae) flying near Ochoco Pass in central Oregon
Yellowjacket (Vespinae) group guarding nest entrance, North America
Gerry Ellis / Yellowjacket (Vespinae) group guarding nest entrance, North America