• Results for
    • Open-boatsboats
  • (15)
Wooden boats lying upside down on sea shore, Rdlga island, Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden, June 2009
Wild Wonders of Europe / O. Haarberg / Wooden boats lying upside down on sea shore, Rdlga island, Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden, June 2009
Children paddling in Marovo Lagoon, New Georgia Islands, Solomon Islands, Melanesia, November 2008.
Frederique Olivier / Children paddling in Marovo Lagoon, New Georgia Islands, Solomon Islands, Melanesia, November 2008.
Couple originally from Tikopia paddling in mangrove creek, Nukufero, Russel Islands, Solomon islands, Melanesia, August 2008.
Frederique Olivier / Couple originally from Tikopia paddling in mangrove creek, Nukufero, Russel Islands, Solomon islands, Melanesia, August 2008.
Couple originally from Tikopia paddling in mangrove creek, Nukufero, Russel Islands, Solomon islands, Melanesia, August 2008.
Frederique Olivier / Couple originally from Tikopia paddling in mangrove creek, Nukufero, Russel Islands, Solomon islands, Melanesia, August 2008.
Ecotourism boat, the Seawolf, anchored off the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada, September 2010
Shattil & Rozinski / Ecotourism boat, the Seawolf, anchored off the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada, September 2010
Cree hunter breaking ice on frozen lake with his boat. Quebec, Canada, 1988.
Bryan and Cherry Alexander / Cree hunter breaking ice on frozen lake with his boat. Quebec, Canada, 1988.
Cree trapper and his wife checking nets for fish on Lake Bourinot, Quebec, Canada, 1988.
Bryan and Cherry Alexander / Cree trapper and his wife checking nets for fish on Lake Bourinot, Quebec, Canada, 1988.
Local fisherman in his dugout canoe, Tonga, Melanesia, 2007
Juergen Freund / Local fisherman in his dugout canoe, Tonga, Melanesia, 2007
Melinda Sea Adventures sailboat for whale watching, Tonga, Melanesia, 2007
Juergen Freund / Melinda Sea Adventures sailboat for whale watching, Tonga, Melanesia, 2007
Local people sailing a dhow, a traditional sailing vessel.
Barry Bland / Local people sailing a dhow, a traditional sailing vessel.
Men sailing a popow, the traditional outrigger canoe used on Yap, Micronesia. ^^^The popow is characterized by v shaped ends, used for travel and fishing. The popows are designed so that the mast can...
Roberto Rinaldi / Men sailing a popow, the traditional outrigger canoe used on Yap, Micronesia. ^^^The popow is characterized by v shaped ends, used for travel and fishing. The popows are designed so that the mast can...
Men sailing a popow, the traditional outrigger canoe used on Yap, Micronesia. ^^^The popow is characterized by v shaped ends, used for travel and fishing. The popows are designed so that the mast can...
Roberto Rinaldi / Men sailing a popow, the traditional outrigger canoe used on Yap, Micronesia. ^^^The popow is characterized by v shaped ends, used for travel and fishing. The popows are designed so that the mast can...