• Résultats pour
    • Micropterix
  • (9)
Marigold moth (Micropterix sp) on leaf, Alpes-Maritime, France, May.
Lorraine Bennery / Marigold moth (Micropterix sp) on leaf, Alpes-Maritime, France, May.
Marsh marigold moth {Micropterix osthelderi} standing on a petal, Austria (One of the smallest lepidoptera in the world, wingspan around 2.5 mm)
Ingo Arndt / Marsh marigold moth {Micropterix osthelderi} standing on a petal, Austria (One of the smallest lepidoptera in the world, wingspan around 2.5 mm)
Micro moth {Micropterix osthelderi} standing on a petal, Austria (One of the smallest lepdioptera in the world, wingspan around 2.5 mm)
Ingo Arndt / Micro moth {Micropterix osthelderi} standing on a petal, Austria (One of the smallest lepdioptera in the world, wingspan around 2.5 mm)
Marigold moth (Micropterix schaefferi) on Ophrys (Ophrys sp.), Herault, France, June.
Lorraine Bennery / Marigold moth (Micropterix schaefferi) on Ophrys (Ophrys sp.), Herault, France, June.
Plain gold moth / Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) foraging on pollen of flowering Tormentil (Potentilla erecta). This moth belongs to the most primitive living family of moths, which retai...
Nick Upton / Plain gold moth / Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) foraging on pollen of flowering Tormentil (Potentilla erecta). This moth belongs to the most primitive living family of moths, which retai...
Moth (Micropterix aureatella) Vartsila, Tohmajarvi, Pohjois-Karjala / North Karelia, Ita-Suomi / Eastern Finland, Finland. June
Jussi Murtosaari / Moth (Micropterix aureatella) Vartsila, Tohmajarvi, Pohjois-Karjala / North Karelia, Ita-Suomi / Eastern Finland, Finland. June
Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) on marsh marigold, Parikkala, Etela-Karjala / South Karelia, Etela-Suomi / South Finland, Finland. June
Jussi Murtosaari / Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) on marsh marigold, Parikkala, Etela-Karjala / South Karelia, Etela-Suomi / South Finland, Finland. June
Marsh marigold moths (Micropterix calthella) on Kingcups / Marsh Marigold. Sussex, UK, May.
Stephen Dalton / Marsh marigold moths (Micropterix calthella) on Kingcups / Marsh Marigold. Sussex, UK, May.
Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) feeding on buttercup pollen, UK
PREMAPHOTOS / Marsh marigold moth (Micropterix calthella) feeding on buttercup pollen, UK