• Results for
    • Microcarbo Niger
  • (11)
Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) squabbling with Little cormorant (Microcarbo / Phalacrocorax niger)  Keoladeo national park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Axel Gomille / Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) squabbling with Little cormorant (Microcarbo / Phalacrocorax niger) Keoladeo national park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) near water, Sri Lanka.
Robin Chittenden / Little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) near water, Sri Lanka.
Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
David Pattyn / Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
David Pattyn / Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
David Pattyn / Darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and Little cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger) sitting on a dead tree in a lake, Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India
Little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger), Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Bernard Castelein / Little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger), Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Little / Javanese cormorant {Microcarbo niger} in flight, Tamil Nadu, India
Hanne & Jens Eriksen / Little / Javanese cormorant {Microcarbo niger} in flight, Tamil Nadu, India
Little / Javanese Cormorant {Microcarbo niger}  Keoladeo NP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Elio Della Ferrera / Little / Javanese Cormorant {Microcarbo niger} Keoladeo NP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Javanese cormorant (Microcarbo niger) drying wings on a tree trunk, Keoladeo Ghana NP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Bernard Castelein / Javanese cormorant (Microcarbo niger) drying wings on a tree trunk, Keoladeo Ghana NP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger), Diyasaru Park, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Sebastian Kennerknecht / Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger), Diyasaru Park, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Javanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) perched on branch, Mysore, India.
Roland Seitre / Javanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) perched on branch, Mysore, India.