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Cross Frog (Oreophryne sp), newly discovered species, eggs, Papua New Guinea
Piotr Naskrecki / Cross Frog (Oreophryne sp), newly discovered species, eggs, Papua New Guinea
Mountain stream flowing through montane tropical rainforest at 1200 meters, Mt Bosavi, Papua New Guinea
Gerry Ellis / Mountain stream flowing through montane tropical rainforest at 1200 meters, Mt Bosavi, Papua New Guinea
Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) juvenile, New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Mike Parry / Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) juvenile, New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) underwater view of swimming hatchling, Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
Mike Parry / Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) underwater view of swimming hatchling, Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
Australasian Tree Frog (Litoria sp) hanging over edge of leaf, Papua New Guinea
Gerry Ellis / Australasian Tree Frog (Litoria sp) hanging over edge of leaf, Papua New Guinea
Diagonal-banded Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) school, Loloata Resort, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Diagonal-banded Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) school, Loloata Resort, Papua New Guinea
Feather Star (Oxycomanthus bennetti) clinging to a coral prominence where it can feed in the currents, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Feather Star (Oxycomanthus bennetti) clinging to a coral prominence where it can feed in the currents, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
Diagonal-banded Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) school, Loloata Resort, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Diagonal-banded Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus) school, Loloata Resort, Papua New Guinea
Sea Goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) group feeding in the currents on a steep slope with Soft Corals, Crinoids and Gorgonians, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Sea Goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) group feeding in the currents on a steep slope with Soft Corals, Crinoids and Gorgonians, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Microhylid Frog (Oreophryne sp) eggs of newly discovered species, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea
Piotr Naskrecki / Microhylid Frog (Oreophryne sp) eggs of newly discovered species, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea
Dense moss cover in undergrowth, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea
Piotr Naskrecki / Dense moss cover in undergrowth, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea
Rhododendron (Rhododendron sp) flowers, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea
Piotr Naskrecki / Rhododendron (Rhododendron sp) flowers, Muller Range, Papua New Guinea