• Results for
    • Federally Endangered
  • (203)
Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) portrait, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. Captive. Federally endangered.
Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) head portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) head portrait, from the wild, Key West, Florida, USA. Federally endangered.
San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodymys merriami parvus) looking at the camera, then the animal partially leaves frame, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido, California. Captive. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodymys merriami parvus) looking at the camera, then the animal partially leaves frame, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido, California. Captive. Federally endangered.
Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila) portrait, Conservation Department of the San Antonio Zoo. Captive, occurs in Mexico. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila) portrait, Conservation Department of the San Antonio Zoo. Captive, occurs in Mexico. Federally endangered.
Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila) portrait, Conservation Department of the San Antonio Zoo. Captive, occurs in Mexico. Federally endangered.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila) portrait, Conservation Department of the San Antonio Zoo. Captive, occurs in Mexico. Federally endangered.
Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens oocleptica) head portrait, Tracy Aviary, Utah, USA. Captive. Federally threatened.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens oocleptica) head portrait, Tracy Aviary, Utah, USA. Captive. Federally threatened.
Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens oocleptica) portrait, Tracy Aviary, Utah, USA. Captive. Federally threatened.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens oocleptica) portrait, Tracy Aviary, Utah, USA. Captive. Federally threatened.