• Résultats pour
    • Ediacaran
  • (11)
Fossil Sea Pen: Charnia masoni. Pre-Cambrian, (more than 560 million years old), found in Newfoundland. Specimen approx 18cm high. Plaster cast.
Adrian Davies / Fossil Sea Pen: Charnia masoni. Pre-Cambrian, (more than 560 million years old), found in Newfoundland. Specimen approx 18cm high. Plaster cast.
Fossilised Jellyfish (Nemiana simplex), Vendian Age (Ediacaran period), White Sea Formation, Mogilov, Ukraine
John Cancalosi / Fossilised Jellyfish (Nemiana simplex), Vendian Age (Ediacaran period), White Sea Formation, Mogilov, Ukraine
Fossilised Jellyfish (Nemiana simplex), Vendian Age (Ediacaran period), White Sea Formation, Mogilov, Ukraine
John Cancalosi / Fossilised Jellyfish (Nemiana simplex), Vendian Age (Ediacaran period), White Sea Formation, Mogilov, Ukraine
Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Scott Leslie / Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Scott Leslie / Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Scott Leslie / Ediacaran fossil (575 mya), Mistaken Point, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Nemiana simplex, a White Sea Ediacaran fossil (upper Vendian) in the sandstone shales from the Novodnestrovsky Quarry, Podolia, Ukraine. The ediacaran biota existed from about 580 to 540 million years...
Paul D Stewart / Nemiana simplex, a White Sea Ediacaran fossil (upper Vendian) in the sandstone shales from the Novodnestrovsky Quarry, Podolia, Ukraine. The ediacaran biota existed from about 580 to 540 million years...
Putative cryogenian cnidarian fossil impressions from the Ranford formation of Australia, of a form reminiscent of the modern Porpita porpita (blue button colonial hydroids). The structure has also be...
Paul D Stewart / Putative cryogenian cnidarian fossil impressions from the Ranford formation of Australia, of a form reminiscent of the modern Porpita porpita (blue button colonial hydroids). The structure has also be...
Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.
Graham Eaton / Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.
Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.
Graham Eaton / Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.
Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.
Graham Eaton / Folded Psammite with small kink bands on the fold limbs, New Harbour Group of the Ediacaran Period, Anglesey, Wales, UK. July, 2022.