• Results for
    • Boundary Bay
  • (42)
Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) fluffing feathers, this image was taken during a massive increase in the range and population of snowy owls. Boundary Bay, Canada. March.
Gerrit Vyn / Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) fluffing feathers, this image was taken during a massive increase in the range and population of snowy owls. Boundary Bay, Canada. March.
Southwest coast path through National Trust's Golden Cap Estate, looking west towards Charmouth. Lyme Bay, Dorset, England, UK. May 2017.
Nigel Cattlin / Southwest coast path through National Trust's Golden Cap Estate, looking west towards Charmouth. Lyme Bay, Dorset, England, UK. May 2017.
Rose bay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium) flowering in the Lyth Valley, Cumbria, England, July.
Ashley Cooper / Rose bay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium) flowering in the Lyth Valley, Cumbria, England, July.
Eurasian magpie (Pica pica) cleaning its beak on a fencepost. Protecting its eye by lowering the nictitating membrane. Druridge Bay, Northumberland, UK, April.
Roger Powell / Eurasian magpie (Pica pica) cleaning its beak on a fencepost. Protecting its eye by lowering the nictitating membrane. Druridge Bay, Northumberland, UK, April.
Sand dunes heavily eroded and protective fence left suspended by winter storms and tidal surges, Daymer Bay, Trebetherick, Cornwall, UK, March 2014.
Nick Upton / Sand dunes heavily eroded and protective fence left suspended by winter storms and tidal surges, Daymer Bay, Trebetherick, Cornwall, UK, March 2014.
Sand dunes heavily eroded and protective fence left suspended by winter storms and tidal surges, Daymer Bay, Trebetherick, Cornwall, UK, March 2014.
Nick Upton / Sand dunes heavily eroded and protective fence left suspended by winter storms and tidal surges, Daymer Bay, Trebetherick, Cornwall, UK, March 2014.
New Zealand fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) flower showing the blue pollen present on hermaphroditic plants, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / New Zealand fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata) flower showing the blue pollen present on hermaphroditic plants, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Onga onga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines and fresh leaves,  Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / Onga onga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines and fresh leaves, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) seedling covered in stinging spines, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) seedling covered in stinging spines, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines along the mid-rib of the leaf, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines along the mid-rib of the leaf, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines along stem, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / Ongaonga / New Zealand stinging nettle (Urtica ferox) close up of the stinging spines along stem, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Male New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) on lichen covered branch, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.
Brent Stephenson / Male New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) on lichen covered branch, Boundary Stream, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, November.