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Marbled poison dart frog (Epipedobates boulengeri) on leaf, Ecuador.
Bert Willaert / Marbled poison dart frog (Epipedobates boulengeri) on leaf, Ecuador.
Cane / Giant Marine Toad (Rhinella marina / Bufo marinus). Ecuador, South America.
Bert Willaert / Cane / Giant Marine Toad (Rhinella marina / Bufo marinus). Ecuador, South America.
Edible Frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus / Rana esculenta) at water surface, with a missing eye. Belgium, Europe, May.
Bert Willaert / Edible Frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus / Rana esculenta) at water surface, with a missing eye. Belgium, Europe, May.
Illustrated portraits of Richard Owen (20, July 1804- 18 December 1892) and Thomas Henry Huxley (4 May 1825 - 29 June 1895). Linley Sambourne's illustration for the new 1885 Macmillan edition of Kings...
Paul D Stewart / Illustrated portraits of Richard Owen (20, July 1804- 18 December 1892) and Thomas Henry Huxley (4 May 1825 - 29 June 1895). Linley Sambourne's illustration for the new 1885 Macmillan edition of Kings...
Illustration of Hydrachos (Basilosaurus composite), a 1846 copper engraving from a Leipzig newspaper. It shows the German exhibition of 'Dr.' Albert Koch's 114 foot (34 metre) skeleton of a fossil 'se...
Paul D Stewart / Illustration of Hydrachos (Basilosaurus composite), a 1846 copper engraving from a Leipzig newspaper. It shows the German exhibition of 'Dr.' Albert Koch's 114 foot (34 metre) skeleton of a fossil 'se...