• Résultats pour
    • Psilopogon
  • (22)
Great barbet (Psilopogon virens) Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China
Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of China / Great barbet (Psilopogon virens) Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China
Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus) Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong, Yunnan, China
Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of China / Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus) Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong, Yunnan, China
Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus) Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong, Yunnan, China
Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of China / Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus) Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong, Yunnan, China
Golden-throated barbet (Psilipogon franklinii) bird perched on a branch of a tree in Baihualing, Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China
Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of China / Golden-throated barbet (Psilipogon franklinii) bird perched on a branch of a tree in Baihualing, Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China
Coppersmith barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus) perched on branch, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Small repro only.
Felis Images / Coppersmith barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus) perched on branch, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Small repro only.
Coppersmith barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus) perched on branch, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Small repro only.
Felis Images / Coppersmith barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus) perched on branch, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Small repro only.
Lesser hill myna (Gracula indica) singing on branch, Kerala, India. Small repro only.
Felis Images / Lesser hill myna (Gracula indica) singing on branch, Kerala, India. Small repro only.
Lineated barbet (Psilopogon lineatus), Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Loic Poidevin / Lineated barbet (Psilopogon lineatus), Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Lineated barbet (Psilopogon lineatus) feeding, Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Loic Poidevin / Lineated barbet (Psilopogon lineatus) feeding, Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India.
Fire-tufted Barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus), Fraser's Hill, Malaysia
Bob Steele / Fire-tufted Barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus), Fraser's Hill, Malaysia
Fire-tufted barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) from rainforests of Sumatra and Malay Peninsula. Captive, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore.
Nick Garbutt / Fire-tufted barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) from rainforests of Sumatra and Malay Peninsula. Captive, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore.
Fire-tufted Barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) portrait, native to Sumatra and Malaysia
ZSSD / Fire-tufted Barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) portrait, native to Sumatra and Malaysia