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Tawny Spider orchid (Caladenia fulva) in flower on a dewy morning, Victoria, Australia, August. meetyourneighbours.net project
MYN / John Tiddy / Tawny Spider orchid (Caladenia fulva) in flower on a dewy morning, Victoria, Australia, August. meetyourneighbours.net project
Laguna Miluni a reservoir fed by glacial melt water from the Andean peak of Huayna Potosi. As climate change causes the glaciers to melt, the water supply for La Paz, Bolivia's capital city is rap...
Ashley Cooper / Laguna Miluni a reservoir fed by glacial melt water from the Andean peak of Huayna Potosi. As climate change causes the glaciers to melt, the water supply for La Paz, Bolivia's capital city is rap...