• Results for
    • Water Plane
  • (46)
Sign for American Pegasus White Ice Runway, an aircraft runway that operates in summer on the Ross Ice Shelf, McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
Doug Allan / Sign for American Pegasus White Ice Runway, an aircraft runway that operates in summer on the Ross Ice Shelf, McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
Plane tree (Platanus orientalis) reflecting in water in autumn,  Forest of Compiegne, Hauts-de-France, France. October.
Staffan Widstrand / Plane tree (Platanus orientalis) reflecting in water in autumn, Forest of Compiegne, Hauts-de-France, France. October.
American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) with hollow trunk on banks of Wissahickon Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. April.
Doug Wechsler / American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) with hollow trunk on banks of Wissahickon Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. April.
Two scuba divers exploring the wreck of a WW II Corsair fighter plane on the seabed, off south-east Oahu, Hawaii, Pacific Ocean. Model  released.
David Fleetham / Two scuba divers exploring the wreck of a WW II Corsair fighter plane on the seabed, off south-east Oahu, Hawaii, Pacific Ocean. Model released.
Diver exploring a plane wreck, purposely sunk in a freshwater lake, Capernwray Quarry, Lancashire, England, UK. Model released.
Alex Mustard / Diver exploring a plane wreck, purposely sunk in a freshwater lake, Capernwray Quarry, Lancashire, England, UK. Model released.
A freediver investigating the wreck of a plane on the sandy seabed, Capo Comino, Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. August, 2021.
Alex Mustard / A freediver investigating the wreck of a plane on the sandy seabed, Capo Comino, Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. August, 2021.
False clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) looking back at camera with plane wreck on seabed behind, Cebu, Philippines, Pacific Ocean.
Henley Spiers / False clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) looking back at camera with plane wreck on seabed behind, Cebu, Philippines, Pacific Ocean.
Plane wreck of B17 Bomber Flying Fortress, sank on 6th November 1944, nose of aircraft crushed from impact with seabed, 150m from the Cape of Polivalo on Southern coast of Vis Island, Croatia, Adriati...
Franco Banfi / Plane wreck of B17 Bomber Flying Fortress, sank on 6th November 1944, nose of aircraft crushed from impact with seabed, 150m from the Cape of Polivalo on Southern coast of Vis Island, Croatia, Adriati...
Divers above the tail section of a WW II Corsair fighter plane off South-East Oahu, Hawaii.
David Fleetham / Divers above the tail section of a WW II Corsair fighter plane off South-East Oahu, Hawaii.
A scuba diver next to the Mitsubishi Zero, Japanese World War Two fighter plane, Kimbe Bay. West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Shane Gross / A scuba diver next to the Mitsubishi Zero, Japanese World War Two fighter plane, Kimbe Bay. West New Britain, Papua New Guinea