• Résultats pour
    • bird watchers
  • (35)
Aerial photograph of the Olifants River showing the intensive agriculture along its course, a threat to the endemic fish species found here. Citrusdal and Clanwilliam area, Western Cape, South Africa. December 2013.
Cheryl-Samantha Owen / Aerial photograph of the Olifants River showing the intensive agriculture along its course, a threat to the endemic fish species found here. Citrusdal and Clanwilliam area, Western Cape, South Africa. December 2013.
Bird watchers silhouetted on sand dunes at Titchwell, Norfolk, England, UK, October 2017.
Ernie Janes / Bird watchers silhouetted on sand dunes at Titchwell, Norfolk, England, UK, October 2017.
Bird watchers looking for Golden-headed Manakin on Nando's Trail at Canopy Camp in the Darien National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site, Panama.
David Tipling / Bird watchers looking for Golden-headed Manakin on Nando's Trail at Canopy Camp in the Darien National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site, Panama.
Bird watchers in the Darien National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site, Panama. February 2017.
David Tipling / Bird watchers in the Darien National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site, Panama. February 2017.
Bird watchers scanning reedbeds at RSPB Ham Wall Reserve. Formed from abandoned peat diggings and part of the Avalon Marshes wildlife complex on the Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK, February 2015.
John Waters / Bird watchers scanning reedbeds at RSPB Ham Wall Reserve. Formed from abandoned peat diggings and part of the Avalon Marshes wildlife complex on the Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK, February 2015.
Bird watchers scanning reedbeds at RSPB Ham Wall Reserve. Formed from abandoned peat diggings and part of the Avalon Marshes wildlife complex on the Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK, February 2015.
John Waters / Bird watchers scanning reedbeds at RSPB Ham Wall Reserve. Formed from abandoned peat diggings and part of the Avalon Marshes wildlife complex on the Somerset Levels, Somerset, UK, February 2015.
Bird watchers at hide, watching colony of Cape gannets (Morus capensis). Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, South Africa. October 2014.
Cheryl-Samantha Owen / Bird watchers at hide, watching colony of Cape gannets (Morus capensis). Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, South Africa. October 2014.
Bird watching hide at Marlgu Billabong, Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve, Wyndham, Western Australia
Steven David Miller / Bird watching hide at Marlgu Billabong, Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve, Wyndham, Western Australia
Birders watching dawn flight of Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) at Bosque del Apache, New Mexico, USA, November 2009
David Tipling / Birders watching dawn flight of Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) at Bosque del Apache, New Mexico, USA, November 2009
Birdwatchers watching Knots (Calidris canuta) and other waders over the Wash at Snettisham RSPB Reserve, Norfolk, October 2010
David Tipling / Birdwatchers watching Knots (Calidris canuta) and other waders over the Wash at Snettisham RSPB Reserve, Norfolk, October 2010
Maltese birdwatchers monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese birdwatchers monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese birdwatcher monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese birdwatcher monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp, April 2013
Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp April 2013
David Tipling / Maltese bird watchers at dawn monitoring migration and hunting during BirdLife Malta Springwatch camp April 2013
Birdwatchers climbing up stairs to the Osprey hide, Dyfi Osprey Project, Powys, Wales, UK, May 2012.
Mark Hamblin / 2020VISION / Birdwatchers climbing up stairs to the Osprey hide, Dyfi Osprey Project, Powys, Wales, UK, May 2012.
Birdwatchers walking towards the Osprey hide, Dyfi Osprey Project, Powys, Wales, UK, May 2012.
Mark Hamblin / 2020VISION / Birdwatchers walking towards the Osprey hide, Dyfi Osprey Project, Powys, Wales, UK, May 2012.
Bird watchers counting raptors at the Batumi bottleneck, an imortant site for autumn raptor migration, Georgia, September 2011.
Bert Willaert / Bird watchers counting raptors at the Batumi bottleneck, an imortant site for autumn raptor migration, Georgia, September 2011.
Two Birdwatchers looking over Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve, Essex, England, UK, November.
Paul Harris / 2020VISION / Two Birdwatchers looking over Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve, Essex, England, UK, November.
Bird watchers outside bird hide, Rainham marshes RSPB reserve, Essex, England, UK, November
Paul Harris / 2020VISION / Bird watchers outside bird hide, Rainham marshes RSPB reserve, Essex, England, UK, November
Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) perched on sign welcoming bird watchers to Inner Farne Is, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK, June 2008
Edwin Giesbers / Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) perched on sign welcoming bird watchers to Inner Farne Is, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK, June 2008
Father and his two children birdwatching in a hay field on a farm in Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA, May 2009. Model released.
Jerry Monkman / Father and his two children birdwatching in a hay field on a farm in Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA, May 2009. Model released.
Bird watchers digiscoping, Philippines, March 2009
David Tipling / Bird watchers digiscoping, Philippines, March 2009
Bird watchers at Hermaness Nature Reserve, Unst Island, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK
Juan Carlos Munoz / Bird watchers at Hermaness Nature Reserve, Unst Island, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK
Bird watchers viewing Eagle Owls, Forest of Bowland, Lancashire, UK
Jason Smalley / Bird watchers viewing Eagle Owls, Forest of Bowland, Lancashire, UK
Bird watchers at cliff edge, Fowlsheugh RSPB Reserve, Grampian, Scotland
Niall Benvie / Bird watchers at cliff edge, Fowlsheugh RSPB Reserve, Grampian, Scotland
Bird watchers watching Common cranes (Grus grus) at nature reserve / breeding grounds, Hornborgasjon, Sweden, Europe
Dietmar Nill / Bird watchers watching Common cranes (Grus grus) at nature reserve / breeding grounds, Hornborgasjon, Sweden, Europe
Bird watchers observing Common cranes from outside hide, Lake Agmon, Hula valley, Israel
Niall Benvie / Bird watchers observing Common cranes from outside hide, Lake Agmon, Hula valley, Israel
Bird watchers in mobile bird hide watching Common / European cranes {Grus grus}, Lake Agmon, Israel.
Niall Benvie / Bird watchers in mobile bird hide watching Common / European cranes {Grus grus}, Lake Agmon, Israel.
Bird watchers, south Padre Island Convention Center, south Padre Island, Texas
Tom Vezo / Bird watchers, south Padre Island Convention Center, south Padre Island, Texas
Bird watchers, Europe
Flip de Nooyer / Bird watchers, Europe
Bird watchers at observation post, Netherlands
Flip de Nooyer / Bird watchers at observation post, Netherlands