• Résultats pour
    • morel
  • (60)
Common Morell (Morchella esculenta) on chalk in woodland. Surrey, May.
Adrian Davies / Common Morell (Morchella esculenta) on chalk in woodland. Surrey, May.
Morel fungus (Mitrophora semilibera) among leaf litter. Lorraine, France, March
Michel Poinsignon / Morel fungus (Mitrophora semilibera) among leaf litter. Lorraine, France, March
Tibetan monk with collected mushrooms, Black morels (Morchella elata) Meili Snow Mountain, Yunnan province, China
Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of China / Tibetan monk with collected mushrooms, Black morels (Morchella elata) Meili Snow Mountain, Yunnan province, China
Fungus (Gyromitra ambigua) closely related to False morel (Gyromitra esculenta), Ulvsbomuren, Bergslagen, Sweden
Staffan Widstrand / Fungus (Gyromitra ambigua) closely related to False morel (Gyromitra esculenta), Ulvsbomuren, Bergslagen, Sweden
Man picking Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) in forest, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Man picking Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) in forest, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Man picking Common morel (Morchella esculenta)fungus in  forest, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Man picking Common morel (Morchella esculenta)fungus in forest, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France
Eric Baccega / Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France
Man looking for Common morel fungi (Morchella esculenta) in forest  Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Man looking for Common morel fungi (Morchella esculenta) in forest Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) held in hand, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) held in hand, Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Man holding Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Man holding Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France, Model released, April 2012
Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) held in hand, Alsace, France, April 2012
Eric Baccega / Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) held in hand, Alsace, France, April 2012
Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France
Eric Baccega / Common morel fungus (Morchella esculenta) Alsace, France