• Results for
    • standardwing bird of paradise
  • (27)
Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male displaying at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Chien Lee / Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male displaying at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rainforest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rainforest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rainforest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rainforest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) female visiting the display site of male in rainforest canopy, Labilabi Village vicinity, Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) female visiting the display site of male in rainforest canopy, Labilabi Village vicinity, Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at display site in rainforest canopy, Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Wallace's Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at display site in rainforest canopy, Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Chien Lee / Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male displaying at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Chien Lee / Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii) male displaying at lek, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male at his display site in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male performing a display in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Tim Laman / Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male performing a display in the rain forest canopy, Halmahera, Indonesia.
Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) female visiting the display site of a male in the rain forest canopy in Halmahera, Indonesia
Tim Laman / Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) female visiting the display site of a male in the rain forest canopy in Halmahera, Indonesia
Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male performing aerial display - diving back down to tree after a vertical flight, Halmahera, Indonesia
Tim Laman / Standardwing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei) male performing aerial display - diving back down to tree after a vertical flight, Halmahera, Indonesia