• Résultats pour
    • kimbe
  • (165)
Boxer / Pom pom crab (Lybia tesselata) on coral, Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Juergen Freund / Boxer / Pom pom crab (Lybia tesselata) on coral, Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Silvertip reef shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Juergen Freund / Silvertip reef shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Blue starfish shrimp (Periclimenes soror) on starfish, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, Indo-Pacific.
Juergen Freund / Blue starfish shrimp (Periclimenes soror) on starfish, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, Indo-Pacific.
Plane wreck in the waters of Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, Indo-pacific
Juergen Freund / Plane wreck in the waters of Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, Indo-pacific
Coral reefs and islands, Kimbe Bay, West New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Ingrid Visser / Coral reefs and islands, Kimbe Bay, West New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Sea Goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) group feeding in the currents on a steep slope with Soft Corals, Crinoids and Gorgonians, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Sea Goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) group feeding in the currents on a steep slope with Soft Corals, Crinoids and Gorgonians, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Blackfinned Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) guarding eggs laid beside their Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica) host, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Blackfinned Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) guarding eggs laid beside their Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica) host, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis) colony with an extensive bleached area at its center, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Fred Bavendam / Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis) colony with an extensive bleached area at its center, Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Sea fan, soft corals and feather stars with Blackfin barracuda (Sphyraena qenie) swimming above. Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Bert Willaert / Sea fan, soft corals and feather stars with Blackfin barracuda (Sphyraena qenie) swimming above. Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Midnight snappers (Macolor macularis), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Bert Willaert / Midnight snappers (Macolor macularis), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Bert Willaert / Crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Longfin spadefish (Platax teira), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Bert Willaert / Longfin spadefish (Platax teira), Kimbe Bay, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea