• Results for
    • Zoos Catalogue17
  • (58)
Particoloured bat roosting {Vespertilio murinus} Germany
Dietmar Nill / Particoloured bat roosting {Vespertilio murinus} Germany
Lesser Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) jumping, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Lesser Egyptian jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) jumping, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Arabian jird (Meriones arimalius) head portrait, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Arabian jird (Meriones arimalius) head portrait, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) head portrait, Los Angeles Zoo, California. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) head portrait, Los Angeles Zoo, California. Captive.
Heaney's bushy-tailed cloud rat (Crateromys heaneyi) head portrait, Praha Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Heaney's bushy-tailed cloud rat (Crateromys heaneyi) head portrait, Praha Zoo. Captive.
Matthey's mouse (Mus mattheyi) portrait, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Matthey's mouse (Mus mattheyi) portrait, Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Tree rat (Thallomys sp.) sitting on branch looking down, Praha Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Tree rat (Thallomys sp.) sitting on branch looking down, Praha Zoo. Captive.
Four Spinifex hopping mice (Notomys alexis) infants, playing, Adelaide Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Four Spinifex hopping mice (Notomys alexis) infants, playing, Adelaide Zoo. Captive.
Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) Plzen Zoo. Captive.
Afro Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) with mouth open, head portrait, Faunia Zoo, Madrid, Spain. Captive.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Afro Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) with mouth open, head portrait, Faunia Zoo, Madrid, Spain. Captive.
Close up of female Eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis) face, calling, in Florida, USA.  Captivity.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Close up of female Eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis) face, calling, in Florida, USA. Captivity.
Close up of Long-haired fruit bat (Rousettus lanosus) landing at Lincoln Children's Zoo, Nebraska, USA.  Captivity.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Close up of Long-haired fruit bat (Rousettus lanosus) landing at Lincoln Children's Zoo, Nebraska, USA. Captivity.
Sulawesi stripe-faced fruit bat (Styloctenium wallacei) flying at Plzen Zoo, Czech Republic.  Captivity.
Joel Sartore / Photo Ark / Sulawesi stripe-faced fruit bat (Styloctenium wallacei) flying at Plzen Zoo, Czech Republic. Captivity.