• Results for
    • sicyos
  • (2)
Cane toad / Giant toad (Bufo marinus), an introduced species in Queensland, Australia. Close-up of poison glands
Juergen Freund / Cane toad / Giant toad (Bufo marinus), an introduced species in Queensland, Australia. Close-up of poison glands
Tendril of Bur cucumber (Sicyos angulatus) clinging to other plant stems, Japan
Nature Production / Tendril of Bur cucumber (Sicyos angulatus) clinging to other plant stems, Japan
Burr cucumber (Sicyos) vine growing over Blue echeveria (Echeveria secunda). Milpa Alta forest, outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico. August.
Claudio Contreras / Burr cucumber (Sicyos) vine growing over Blue echeveria (Echeveria secunda). Milpa Alta forest, outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico. August.